DUI Court

DUI Court is a voluntary, post-conviction, treatment-based program for those who have been convicted multiple times for driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs. The DUI Court program offers enhanced supervision, counseling, and treatment to help participants function in the community with continuing support. The program lasts a minimum of 12 months; however, most participants will require more than 12 months to complete the program, so a sentence of at least 24 months is mandatory.

Attorney Application Packet

General Program Information

Participant Program Handbook

Benefits of the Program Eligibility

To be eligible for consideration, applicants must:

The cost of the program is $75 per week. This amount includes treatment and alcohol/drug testing. Any additional treatment (such as placement in a residential facility or halfway house) that a participant may require while in the program will be at his or her own expense. Participants who challenge positive test results, which confirm positive, or who are placed on additional monitoring, will be required to pay for services at their own expense.

Documents and Forms

General Information

Information Packets


Applications Contact Information

For general information and concerns email duicourt@cobbcounty.org.

Name Phone Email
Darcy Kamau, Program Coordinator 770-528-1762 darcy.kamau@cobbcounty.org
Tiffany Jones, Assistant Coordinator/Case Manager 770-528-1722 tiffany.jones@cobbcounty.org

DUI Court Staff

Program Photos

View photos of participants to the program and their success!

Juvenile Court
(770) 528-2220
Hears cases involving children under the age of 18

Magistrate Court
(770) 528-8900
Issues arrest warrants, hears small claims cases, conducts weddings, offers volunteer mediation

Probate Court
(770) 528-1900
Oversees guardianship appointments, management of decedent estates, probate of wills; issues marriage and weapons carry licenses

Solicitor General
(770) 528-8500
Investigates crimes, interviews victims and witnesses, prosecutes misdemeanors

State Court
Hears traffic violations, misdemeanor cases, and civil lawsuits

State Court Administration
(770) 528-2622
Provides administrative support for judges, manages probation cases, oversees petit jury service

State Court Clerk
(770) 528-2660
Maintains all State Court records and collects all fines and fees associated with such

Superior Court
Hears felony, divorce, and title to land cases

Superior Court Administration
(770) 528-1801
Provides administrative support for judges, oversees jury service

Superior Court Clerk
(770) 528-1300
Maintains all Superior Court records, including divorce decrees and real estate records