Transfer Students

As a new transfer student at the Merage School, you will be required to watch a series of advising webinars prior to attending your in-person transfer advising session to enroll in classes.

undergrad team photo

The transfer advising sessions will be conducted in-person during the last week of June.

Prior to participating in an advising session, there are several steps that must be completed:

  1. Activate your UCInetID and set up your UCI DUO.
  2. Register for the BRIDGE career management system by June 7, 2024.
  3. Register for a transfer advising session and submit the Transfer Advising for Business Administration Majors google form, including an unofficial copy of your transfer coursework and UC IGETCs (for students transferring from California community colleges) information by Friday, June 7, 2024. We will confirm your transfer advising session by Wednesday, June 12 to your UCI email address.”

NOTE: This is separate from, and in addition to, the official transcripts you are required to submit to the Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools. You are still required to send your official records to the Office of Admissions by the deadline stated on your Admissions offer.

General Education and University requirements

General Education and University requirements

Major requirements

Other requirements and policies

Other requirements and policies

Student Access

<a href=Reading the Schedule of Classes" width="1143" height="1002" />

Reading the Schedule of Classes

How to enroll in courses

How to enroll in courses

Recommended Fall schedule

Recommended Fall schedule

Contact Us

5. Download and review:

All of the above steps and videos must be completed prior to your scheduled transfer advising session. Students will be put into smaller groups during the transfer advising session to discuss and present the material covered.

Important Dates and Deadlines