Publication date 2014 Topics Buddhism, Buddhism -- Popular works, Meditation, Yoga, Stress management Publisher [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled; inlibrary Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 634.8M
204 pages : 23 cm
An ancient and deeply revered practice, Buddhism is even more popular now than it has been in decades. The secret behind its steady rise is due in part to the plethora of benefits Buddhism reaps upon those who practice it and apply its teachings to their lives. Through mindfulness and meditation, Buddhism injects peace and clarity into the minds and lives of those who dedicate themselves to it. Those wonderful benefits can be a part of your life as well through the careful study of its various tenets. In Buddhism, this thoughtful and carefully detailed guidebook acts as a beginner s guide to those who may be interested in learning more about this ancient and wise practice. Placing emphasis on meditation, yoga, and understanding the core concepts of Buddhism allows the reader to apply its teachings to make their lives fuller and healthier. If you are curious about Buddhism and want to find the answers you seek, then look no further than this qualitative guidebook
Includes preview of Buddhism for beginners (pages 186-201)
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