clear blue easy digital -- blank window!

So the past 2 days-- ive taken 5 hpt. 3 were first response that all showed 2 lines--one of those being faint but visible. The other 2 were EPT hpt and both had positive signs but very very faint. So i bought cb digital test to actually confirm and after waiting 3 min-- it came back blank!! The helpline was closed and they dont reopen until monday. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Im not due for AF till 12/12, so is this why all my other lines are faint? And is it possible for all those tests to be wrong?( i hope not!) i just want to see a definate bold answer!

11 Comments Newest First Oldest First rivershere

If the test was blank then it was invalad. You will have to get another one and retest.. Digitals do require more HCG to make them possitive though.


Yeah, you totally got a dud. It would read "not pregnant" if it were negative. I'd call back and complain (but perhaps buy another in the mean time). maybe they'll send you coupons or something. I'm totally the type of person who calls customer service when stuff like that goes bad. I hate being ripped off. But sounds like you got your BFP with others. Congrats! Faint still means positive!


I was hoping for a definate pregnant reading! But ive heard a line is a line so im taking it as a bfp!

A line even faint is still positive! Congrats, but the cb was defin. a dud Im def going to call and complain about the cb. Those are not cheap!! I'd be calling to complain too, I hate when things don't work right. rivershere

especially for ppl who are testaholics and HAVE to know whats going on. A Dud just leaves you staring and saying. WHAT. lol


Im a testaholic!! Ive benn through 2 1/2 boxes in the last 2 days!! I did use a clear blue regular test a few hours ago and finally got a bold + . So i think i will hive the testing a rest. For tomorrow at least :)

SarahPs127_3 Did you ever retest with a digital.

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